Debut (Manga) : Chapter 281
Debut (Anime) : Shippuden episode 89
Appears in : Anime and Manga
Gender : Male
Highest rank : Kage
Affiliation : Konohagakure & The Foundation
Team : ANBU Foundation faction
Jutsu : Juinjutsu, Sharingan
After 'sinvasion Konoha, Tsunade Sama as Fifth Hokage in critical condition. In that condition, the elders of Konoha make decision to choose a new hokage as Tsunade replacement. One man has been chosen to become Sixth Hokage, he is Danzo, Danzo is a Konoha elder, one of the oldest villagers in Konoha, Also a leader of Leader of the ANBU Foundation faction. Anything about Danzo still mysterious, his background, his power, enemy or not, we don't know nothing about him. Every his move always carefully and secretly, even his true goals, we didn't get it. I got more suprised about Danzo when I read Naruto Manga Chapter 455, Danzo is Sharingan user. Who is this guy? is he from Uchiha clan? or maybe he just get eye implant from another Uchiha just like Kakashi. It was very strange, is danzo the same guy with Kakashi teammate (Obito). It could be true, because Kakashi only has Obito's sharingan eye in his left eye. on the contrary, Danzo only has sharingan eye in his right eye. Another possibility, Danzo is brain of Kakashi's team attacked a long time ago. As we know, when Kakashi came to saved Obito, Obito right eye has blinded, maybe Danzo use a same medical technique to implant Obito's eye to be his own, but Kakashi came before he finished his plan.

If you have another opinion about Danzo, please tell your opinion here.
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dude, you retards are stupid...
its only obvious that Tobi is Kakashi's team mate from Yondaime Namikaze's team. Tobi is Obito, and he's the same guy who gave Kakashi's Sharingan to him...
why else would Tobi be wearing a mask with only one eye hole...
also, if you retards didn't know, Tobi Uchiha is Madara Uchiha and the original leader of the Akatsuki organization...not Pein...
another thing, Madara helped Itachi get rid of the Uchiha clan after he lost the war between Konoha and the fight with Shodaime Hokage...
therefore, he was the one who controlled Kyuubi with the Eternal Sharingan to attack Hidden Leaf...
Madara then disguised himself as Tobi after meeting up with Orochimaru and forming Akatsuki. Pein takes place as Akatsuki leader as Madara changes himself to Tobi.
i think Donzo is Mandara. But Donzo is not Obito. This is because Obito has same age as Kakaski. The Naruto' writer want all antagonist characters stay in a group name Akatsuki. So, Donzo who people do not likes Saratobi also must stay in Akatsuki
No you're the retard. Never once in the manga, nor Anime does Madara have a relation to danzo.
Also, how is Obito Tobi?
Obito's right side of his body was mutilated, Kakashi has the left.
Madara's eye hole is on the right side of his mask.
Rework your thesis.
^ this is the only explanation.
fucking retards Obito gave him his left eye see ing how danzo has his left eye he cant be Tobi fucking noobs
i think that not him, tobi is Madara not danzo...
remember when tobi died his left spot on his face was not crushed but was covered as rock slid over him not fall on him and danzos entire body is gone except for the spot on his left side of the face and the rest of his body is covered in bandages and he happens to never open the eye where obito has nothing cause it was taken and given to kakashi had and he has sharingan on the other eye also the akatsuki leader is able to bring people back to life so that could have happened to danzo but his body will stay injured not only that he is not that old like sarutobi with wrinkles and gray hair but has young black hair like kakashis aged people
OMFG!!!! Tobi is Obito, the one that gave Kakashi <3 the Sharingan eye. The manga style tells a load of different stories your better off sticking to the real version.
P.S It's only a anime program... geez
dumb shit fucks! tobi is madara and not obito fools.. madara was born years before obito, besides obito died.. thats why he gave his left eye to kakashi...damn........... isnt that simple?
Yeah plus if Danzo was Tobi then how can Danzo be at the meeting and talking to Naruto at the same time?
It is very simple tobi is madara, not danzo or obito!
when tobi recounts his fight with the first hokage it shows him as an adult and if you watch the tv series it shows obito and he is a lot shorter then madara.
also tobi is not danzo if you look at episode 459 it mentions the name of who danzo stole the sharingan from.
OMG THIS is such a easy one tobi is MADARA not obito .... and danzo is just danzo he took the eye from some one else they tell u this in the mangna ....... danzo is not even a UCHIHA
Listen ok stop calling people retards when your story is full of important holes. the age gap is just too big to ignore. Danzo can't be Obito because of the age difference. Yes Obitos right half was crushed and his death was never truly confirmed and Danzo's right side is bandaged as well along with a Sharingan in his right eye. But its more likely to assume that Danzo planned the attack on Kakashi's team (seeing as how it was a sneak attack) in order to crush the Sharingan users and steal their eyes.
Really and truly I believe that Danzou is Uchiha Madara because that is y he does move so mysterious all d time and that is y no 1 really knows exactly what he does be doing. Really and truly no 1 knows anything about him. Something also telling me that Obito didn't really die because d same left half of Danzou body is always wrapped up and maybe just maybe he used a jutsu on himself to make himself look much older than everyone else so that no body will b suspicious of him. Think about it properly and think of jutsus that could make you change your appearance.
Danzou always had his sharingan eyes and is only now that people from konoha know about it and d reason why he is alive that long is because of his eternal sharingan. Just always remember that ninja's could use their jutsu to take on different appearances. For instance remember when Yamato pretended to be Sasori so that he could obtain info on Sasuke and he did it flawlessly as Kabuto mentioned. So think seriously about this, maybe Danzou is indeed Madara in disguise
Danzo Is Obito Because Obito Gave His Left Eye To Kakashi, And Danzo Still Has ONLY His Right Eye As Sharingan, The Left Eye Is Regular...
Tobi Is Madara Uchiha!
1st off danzo is not obito. obito had his left half of his body crushed by a fucking rock and the other eye was given to kakashi.and also obito is the same age as kakashi and look at the age difference in their appearnces.
2nd tobi=madara, before sasuke fights itachi, itachi lets him in on tons of secrets about this shit. madara had taken his younger brothers eyes because he went blind. but i believe he only took 1 thats why he only has 1 eye hole in his mask.
3rd that leads us to think that danzo could be madaras younger brother because madara has 1 eye because his orginal mangekoy went blind so he took it from his younger brother. So his younger brother could infact be danzou.
and also to "mark" obito died. Rin was there and she confirmed his death. shes a med ninja that put his eye into kakashi's. and you know how the left side of his body is rapped including his left eye well thats the side that got crushed. and the side thats fine Rin put the eye into kakashi. so he would not have an eye in the side that is fine...
How about this, obito is tobi because of tobi's ability to faze his body in and out of time. The mask shows its his right eye that was supposedly smashed.
dude, you guys r fighting over naruto.......
Tobi is madara uchiha period.
he even said it himself
All u ppl calling evry1 else retards and also giving an absurd story must feel like fools when you compare your theory to the real story line!
hahahaha i like watching people fight over something they dont even know yet... u people need some patients... any ways danzo is not obito or madara or tobi... his a old guy named danzo no one else and any ways he has a part of his body covered because he has the sharingans on that side.. that he stoled from all the uchiha people.. thats why he commended itachi to kill all of the uchiha clan.. so danzo could obtain all of the sharingans... thats my theory.. any ways we just need to have patients and wait to wat happens!
are u dumb ??? start reading manga it says that tobi is madara obito is fucking dead and danzou is DANZOU he has his left eye from shisui and everything is in bandages because he wants to hide his left arm with the sharingans ...... if danzou is madara how can madara and danzou be at the same time at the same place and how can danzou die and madara stay alive
Hey everyone please calm down, I make this post on july 2009, so this was just my prediction.. I know my question finally has been answered on newest chapter, but I'm not gonna update this post, I'll just make new post about that.. just waiting..
=.= think things through in the manga danzo takes his arm our of the bandages against sasuke as most fans know and observed danzo isnt a bloodline uchiha he is a kekegenkia collector sharingan being his main target. Danzo cannot be Tobi because Tobi was there when sasuke killed danzo and it certainly wasnt a shadow clone. yes madara and danzo have the sharingan in the same eye however =.= madara has been hiding and if danzo had been madara then he would of past through the 3rd dimention against sasuke to save his own ass :P all in all danzo has been know in the the leaf village for many years since he was a youth and if he was madara again then the anbu would of traced it all to him at the murder of the 1st hokage and don't say he controles it danzo only contrlos the route anbu the depressed anbu lol emo sai xD
What the hell are you guys talking
about. tobi is Madara Uchiha he says so when Sasuke defeats Itachi the episode after 139 you idiots.Tobi reveals his true idenity which is madara Uchiha and I'm just a 5th grader and I already know everything about Naruto shippuden .Oh and I almost forgot In the Naruto shippuden movie Narutos dad is the fourth hokage and tells him who is the 6th hokage which is naruto oh and he marries sakura and learns to control the kyubi which is the nine tailed fox he is also the leader in the Akatskui but he's good and Danzo gets killed by sasuke and Kakashi is not from the uchiha clan he just had it in him I think when he was a a lil kid I know more than all of ya about Naruto get at me!
i think mandara rescued obito to use him as his new body like orochimaru wanted to use sasuke maybe because his age or an wound or something like that
and i know that mandara is tobi but he use obitos body
If anyone did any research you'd know that Obito IS dead, Tobi is Madara, and Danzo is wrapped with bandages because he is COVERED with sharingan, All OVER his right arm and face... One as his right eye, and atleast 6 on his right arm. >_>
@ the Anonymous 5th grade kid ; All that means is that you dont go outside...
as I agree with "me" obito is dead so everyone just forget about him. he is brought into the story only to explain kakashis sharingan.
now for my real theory. tobi is madara no question about that. confirmed by characters in the series. as for is it real or not still puzzles me cause it could simply be danzo creating an illusion thus giving life to tobi and madara. remember that sharingun is notorious for illusions and nobody has more of them than danzo. notize how tobi can never be attacked and all attempts just go through him. another thing notice how danzo is really foccused at the same time tobi talks to naruto. theres no doubt in my mind that danzo is not what he appears, but simply a vessel of madara as madara would be dead and probably needed a new body sorta like orochimaru. and the whole collection of eyes he has is just a way of feeding a imperfect jutsu (just like orochimaru). in conclussion I belive danzo (madara) is trying to control the world with the tail beasts and what better way than to do it by hiding behind the scenes and using illusion to deceive people into thinking is someone outside of the konoha village and not be suspected that the enemy is so close. and in control of the village itself.
OK YOU ARE ALL STUPID. FIRST: OBITO IS DEAD. SECOND: TOBI IS MADARA. The reason he has not been hit in the manga/anime is because of a space time jutsu that was created by the sharingan. Madara did helped Itachi get rid of the Uchiha clan after he lost the war between Konoha and the fight with Shodaime Hokage YEARS LATER. HE was the only one to get the Eternal mangekyou Sharingan THUS the only person to be able to control the Kyuubi. KYUUBI STATES IT AT THE BEGING OF SHIPPUDEN. Tobi(Madara) WAS ALWAYS THE LEADER OF THE AKATSUKI HE WAS BEHIND THE SCENES. DONT BELIVE ME LOOK IT UP ON NARUTO WIKI. YOU ALL SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke killed danzo and madara is still alive there is one here too
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tQrOJQ3Pjs now quit this rediculous quarrel
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